
Getting Certified

ONLINE programs:


Tel: (215) 646-8000


Records Management University: Free Online RMA Webcourse

Records Management University, a series of online courses dedicated to serving Records Management professionals.

Join RMU’s Head of Records Management training, Ray Davis, as he leads you through this educational, informational, and fun webinar course. We will spotlight the latest news, innovations, theory and concepts, critical industry issues, best practices, tips and tricks, how-to’s, and new advances in technology in Records Management. This is for everyone, experts and novices alike. Each of the 5 classes will focus on a different critical topic and last an hour.

Each RMU session is pre-approved for 1 CRM Certification Maintenance Credit (CMP) from the Institute of Certified Records Managers up to 5 CRM credits (one for each class).



Tel: 705-749-5530 ext. 1502


Records and Information management is affected by changes in regulations, technology, organizational needs and community needs. A good records and information manager needs to be armed with the latest skills and knowledge in best practices, regulated processes and cost efficiencies to support their organization and its stakeholders. 


  • Computers I - Introduction

  • Records & Information Management Fundamentals

  • Active Records Management

  • Archives

  • Document Management Technology

  • Researching and Reporting



Tel: 1-844-767-6871

MOHAWK COLLEGE - Records and Information Management Certificate

This program is designed to prepare you to operate in a records management program in any organizational setting. With the increasing production of and demand for complex information and the widespread use of automated technologies, businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies are striving to manage their information assets in an effective and efficient way. Records and information management programs contribute to the efficiency of an organization's operations by providing systematic control of information resources, from creation through use, storage and final disposition.


  • Document Management Technology

  • Archives

  • Records And Information Management Fundamentals

  • OADMRM101 Active Records Management

  • OADM10025 Information Management: Challenges and Opportunities



Tel: 416-675-6622 ext. 4174

Humber College - Records and Information ManagementCertificate

With today's growing demand of complex information and use of automated technologies, businesses are continually striving to manage this information effectively. Humber's Records and Information Management Certificate program aids students in effectively managing this complex information by providing systematic control of information resources, from creation through use. Learn how to operate a records management program for any business or organizational setting. This program is completed online in partnership with OntarioLearn.


  1. Active Records Management

  2. Archives

  3. Business Computer Applications

  4. Document Management Technology

  5. PC Business Essentials

  6. Records & Information Management Fundamentals

  7. Researching and Reporting



Tel: 403-284-8485

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) - Information and Records Management Certificate

The Information and Records Management certificate program covers industry standards and best practices learned directly from professionals actively engaged in the field. Efficiently managing records and associated information systems is critical to running any organization. Whether you’re a seasoned industry professional seeking to enhance your skills or looking to switch careers, this program will equip you with what you need to succeed. 


  • Professional Communications and Presentation Skills

  • Tools and Techniques

  • Fundamentals & Advanced Information and Records Management

  • Strategic Records and Information Management

  • Enterprise Content Management

  • Management of Vital Records

  • Managing Records Classification and Vocabulary Design

  • Business Imaging Technology

  • Information Management Administration


Tel: 604-851-6324

University of The Fraser Valley - Records Management Certificate

Quick and easy retrieval of information is an essential part of an organization’s success. Information and records managers help organizations control systematically their most vital information. Learn the industry standards and best practices to sort, classify, maintain, and archive all forms of electronic and print documents.

View entrance requirements


  • Fundamentals of Information and Records Management

  • Records Classification and Vocabulary

  • Records Management Systems

  • Digital Age Literacy

  • Databases: Access

  • Spreadsheets: Excel*

  • Word-processing: Word

  • Business Communications

  • Practicum




Tel: 416-978-2400

School of Continuing Studies, University of Toronto - Records & Information Management Certificate

Keeping accurate records and information is more important than ever in the digital information age. Organizations need professionals who can create, store and retrieve information using the latest technologies. Whether you're just entering the field or are seeking to expand your knowledge and skills, this certificate is for you. You'll complete it fully grounded in the essential elements of the profession. Learn organizational context, practice, strategy and implementation, and develop an overview of vital privacy, access and governance issues. You'll study the full spectrum of archiving and retrieval, and emerge with the knowledge and skills valued by organizations seeking to manage information assets. This certificate is offered in collaboration with the Faculty of Information


  • Fundamentals of Records & Information Management

  • Records & Information Management Practice

  • Records & Information Management Strategies

In-Class Learning:



Info line: 403-777-7200

Chinook Learning Services - Records Management 1 Certificate

Do you find yourself managing company records without the knowledge required to make sound judgements? Managing records and information is a critical responsibility in any organization. In this certificate, learn industry standards and best practices from experienced industry professionals. From life-cycle management to disposition and data management technology, gain the necessary knowledge to hold a records management position in any organization. This 105-hour certificate is recognized by the Calgary Chapter of ARMA (Association of Records Managers and Administrators). Visit ARMA Calgary (external website).


  • Records Management Theory 

  • Retention & Disposition 

  • Records Management Application

  • Data Management Technology

  • Ethics Management

  • Microsoft Office Applications 

    • Access - Level 1

    • Excel - Level 1

    • PowerPoint - Level 1

    • Word - Level 1

  • Writing Skills for Business

The program must be completed within one (1) year of initial registration. 

How to Register / Policy Information
Classes have limited space and may fill up if you delay. If your class is full, ask to be put on a waiting list. Waitlisted students will be notified of any vacancies. Classes will be added based on demand.


Conestoga Continuing Education - Records and Information Management Certificate

This program is designed to prepare individuals to operate a records management program in various organizational settings including businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies. With the increasing production of, and demand for, complex information and the widespread use of automated technologies the effective and efficient management of information assets is critical. Records and information management programs contribute to the efficiency of an organization's operations by providing systematic control of information resources, from creation through use, storage and final disposition.

Admission Requirements:

  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, OR 19 years of age or older

  • Grade 12 Compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent.


  • Records and Information Management Fundamentals

  • Active Records Management

  • Document Management Technology

  • Organizational Business Communications

  • Researching and Reporting

  • Archives