
Access, Copyright & Privacy

This video shows how archival materials provide historical information about the purchase of First Nations lands. We look at an original map outlining the amount of Mississauga Anishinaabe First Nations land that was proposed for purchase in 1818 by the British Crown.


Act | Access to Information Act by Government of Canada

Act | Access to Information & Protection of Privacy Act

Policy | Access To Personal Information For Research Or Statistical Purposes: Introduction To The Application And Agreement Form

Web | ATIPP Act by Yukon Information and Privacy Commissioner

Book | Archives & Manuscripts: Law by Gary  Peterson & Trudy Huskamp Peterson

Article | Principles of Access to Archives by ICA

Article | Open Access by Peter Suber

Guide | Guideline on Exhibiting Archival Materials by ICA

Article | Indigenous Knowledge and Archives: Accessing Hidden History and Understandings by Lynette Russell

Article | Access and Control of Indigenous Knowledge in Libraries and Archives:
Ownership and Future Use by Jane Anderson

Article | Accessibility and Archives by Jean Tener

Article | Thinking inside and outside the Boxes: Archival Reference Services at the Turn of the Century by Elizabeth Yakel

Article | Online Access in Archives as a Challenge for Archives, Archivists and Archival Material: An Evaluation of Viewpoint a Group of Archivists by Burçak Şentürk

Guide | The Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model: Introductory Guide by Brian Lavoie

Web | Using Archives: A Practical Guide for Researchers by LAC


Bill | BILL C-6 An Act to amend the Copyright Act [PDF]

Newsletter | Copyright bulletin Vol. XXX/V, No. 4, 2000 by UNESCO

Article | What Canadian Archivists Know About Copyright and Where They Get Their Knowledge Jean Dryden

Article | Archives and Copyright in Canada: An Outsider's View by Gina La Force

Article | The Canadian Archivist and Copyright Legislation by Jim Keon

Book | Canadian Copyright: A Citizen’s Guide. Laura J. Murray & Samuel E. Trosow


Act | Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

Article | Archives and Privacy in a Wired World: The Impact of the Personal Information Act (Bill C-6) on Archives by Tim Cook 

Web | Guide to Bill C-6 by Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

Article | Access Denied: The Access to Information Act and Its Effect on Public Records Creators by Jay Gilbert

Article | In Search of the Chill: Access to Information and Record-Keeping in the Government of Canada by Kerry Badgley, Margaret Dixon & Paulette Dozois

Article | Ethnographic Archival Records and Cultural Property Krisztina Laszlo

Sample | Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy (FOIPOP) Training by SFU