
Getting an Education in Archives

Degree Certifications & Courses:


Tel: 902-494-3656

Dalhousie Information Management Programs

Dalhousie’s School of Information Management (SIM) is unique in Atlantic Canada. SIM provides innovative information programs for students at all levels, focussed on the management of information, people and technology.

Master of Information: The MI degree is a 20-month course of study for full-time students. See MI Admissions for further details. Our MI is a versatile degree, giving students the knowledge and skills to work across sectors and in all types of organizations. Specifically, the MI degree offers students the ability to concentrate in areas such as libraries, archives, and managing data, information, and knowledge (See Course List for details)

Master of Information Management: Designed and delivered by world-class academics working within an award-winning faculty, our blended/online industry-focused Master of Information Management program perfectly aligns information management (IM) theory with day-to-day workplace realities to help you devise relevant and real-world solutions to the risk and change-related problems your organization faces. (See Website for more details)

George Brown College- Continuing Education (ONLINE)

Whether you’re looking to upgrade your skills, discover a new hobby, pursue a passion or take your career in a new direction, George Brown College has a Continuing Education course for you. With our wide variety of subjects, it’s easy to find what you’re looking for, regardless of your interest. Our many industry partnerships, as well as strategic relationships with government agencies, community partners and educational associations, only enhance our selection.

With evening, weekend, day and online classes starting throughout the year, we make it easy to fit learning into your schedule. And you can work toward a certificate at your own pace – you register (and pay) on a course-by-course basis.

Managing Information Systems: With our Managing Information Systems course, learn the basics of computer information systems as they are used in the areas of management and accounting. Gain the knowledge you need to be able to make informed decisions about the application of information technology in those areas.


General inquiries:
Tel: (514) 399-9499

Tel: 514.398.4204

Mcgill School of Information Studies (SIS)

At the McGill School of Information Studies we seek to find better ways to organize, access, disseminate, use and preserve information and recorded knowledge. Our research and teaching expertise spans such areas as user-centred design, usability, information security, data mining, digital curation, and knowledge management. SIS offers an ALA-accredited master’s program that represents an effective balance between theory and practice. Students can work on real-world problems in their courses and can also elect to participate in our practicum course, which offers a supervised learning opportunity in an information organization for academic credit.

Master of Information StudiesBoth MISt programs prepare graduates to work as information professionals in a wide range of information environments or to pursue further research and academic studies in library and information studies. Courses are available in areas of interest such as library studies; knowledge management; information and communication technology; and archival studies. Students have the flexibility to focus on one area of interest or combine courses from across information studies domains. Learn more

Graduate CertificatesThe School of Information Studies offers four 15-credit certificate programs at the graduate level:

  • Graduate Certificate in Digital Archives Management

  • Graduate Certificate in Information Architecture

  • Graduate Certificate in Information & Knowledge Management

  • Graduate Certificate in Library and Information Studies


Tel: 306-659-4418


Library and Information Technology DIPLOMA: Today’s library technologist is tech-savvy, socially engaged and passionate about life-long learning. It’s a great career for anyone interested in literacy, learning and innovation.

Library techs are in demand—because libraries have become the go-to place for everything from traditional books to e-books, multi-media and online resources.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic's two-year Library and Information Technology diploma program has been developed in accordance with the Canadian Library Association Guidelines to address ongoing advances in technology and changing library user needs. Offered at our Saskatoon campus, the program prepares you to support librarians in any type of library—or to manage day-to-day operations on your own in a small library.

You’ll take a variety of introductory academic courses to familiarize yourself with a wide variety of subjects, from world history to literature. You’ll discuss the impact of new technologies, the political and economic factors impacting information sharing, the benefits and risks of digital storage, and more. Through lectures, labs and hands-on projects, you’ll develop knowledge and skills in:

  • acquisitions, circulation and interlibrary loans

  • archives and records management

  • computer-based and traditional library management

  • database searching and reference research

  • descriptive and subject cataloguing

  • programming and public relations

  • reader assistance

  • website design and social media


Debra Locke, Information Assistant

University of British Columbia iSchool

MASTER OF ARCHIVAL STUDIES (MAS): The MAS program is a unique stand-alone degree that offers students the opportunity to explore records and archives issues in depth and from a variety of perspectives—from records creation to preservation, from analogue to digital—in the public and private sector. The program coursework supports a variety of career pathways, including traditional approaches to historical archives, records management and digital records forensics. The MAS program is international in scope, and its alumni work at organizations around the globe. Program content focuses on:

  • Nature of records and archives

  • The life-cycle of records from creation to preservation

  • Records systems and archival systems

  • Selection of records and their acquisition in archives

  • Intellectual control of records and archives and provision of access

  • Records, archives and the law

  • Ethical and professional responsibilities

  • History of record-keeping and archives

Specializations: The First Nations Curriculum Concentration (FNCC) is designed to prepare information professionals to work effectively with Aboriginal communities in support of ongoing developments in Aboriginal culture and languages, self-government, treaty negotiation and litigation. During their program of study, iSchool students enrolled in the FNCC develop a strong foundation in their chosen program (MAS, MLIS, or Dual MAS/MLIS). In addition, they build a deep appreciation for the influence of the information professions on Indigenous histories and ongoing Indigenous initiatives. As an integral part of the concentration, students are supported in gaining experience working in Indigenous-oriented information organizations. Learn more


403 Fletcher Argue Building
Tel: 204-474-8401

University of manitoba

The curriculum follows the Association of Canadian Archivists' guidelines for curricula in master's programs in archival studies. The archival field of study has six components:

  1. study of the history of recorded communication (focusing on the evolution of archival records and the perspectives archivists bring to the study of recorded communication);

  2. study of archival institutions and functions;

  3. study of history;

  4. an opportunity for work experience in archives (through the internship);

  5. research in archival studies (mainly through a thesis);

  6. an elective in an area of study (usually outside history) which provides knowledge which archivists need; students typically take an elective in administrative studies or computer systems management from the Faculty of Management at the University of Manitoba.

First Year Requirements: three required graduate courses:

  • HIST: 7372: History of Archiving and Archival Records (Nesmith);

  • HIST: 7382: Archiving in the Digital Age (Bak);

  • HIST: 7390: Internship in Archival Studies (Nesmith or Bak);

  • and a history course (faculty).

Second Year Requirements: thesis in archival studies;
and an elective in one of either public administration, management studies, media studies, computer science or other subject which reinforces thesis research.


Tel. : 613-562-5130
Fax : 613-562-5854

University of ottawa 

The Master of Information Studies (MIS) is a professional graduate-level degree program that is fully accredited by the American Library Association (ALA). Combining an emphasis on practical experience and theory, this bilingual program prepares you for careers in a wide range of fields involving the organization, analysis, curation, management and brokerage of information. Our graduates work in libraries, private sector firms, public agencies, and nonprofit organizations.

Master of Information Studies: Full-time or part-time students in the Master of Information Studies (MIS) degree complete 7 compulsory core courses in their first year of study plus a capstone experience course in their final semester. Learn More

Graduate Diploma in Information Management: The School of Information Studies offers a Graduate Diploma in Information Management (GDIM). This 18-credit program is intended both for those who have recently completed an undergraduate degree wishing to enter a career in the field of records and information management, and for those already working in the field who wish to upgrade their qualifications. Learn More


Tel: 416-978-3234

University of Toronto iSchool 

Bachelor of Information: The Bachelor of Information (BI) is a second-entry professional undergraduate program. It considers the interactions between information technologies and social worlds, providing you with the conceptual tools and practical techniques necessary to understand and effect change in a data-intensive society. The BI program integrates design thinking, critical scholarship, and experiential learning.

Masters of Information (MI): Information is explored in all its breadth, depth and richness in this innovative program. There is a choice for everyone among seven concentrations, a specialization, coursework-only, co-op, and thesis options. MI graduates are the next generation of valued professionals, able to lead the progression of information design, organization, storage, access and retrieval, dissemination, preservation, conservation and management. With a deep understanding of the needs of society, career opportunities are found across all industries and sectors. The Master of Information (MI) program is accredited by the American Library Association.

The Archives and Records Management (ARM) Concentration focuses on the social, institutional, and personal practices affecting the creation, use, and re-use of recorded information. The concentration explores the multiple perspectives that inform documentary practices over time, and draws on diverse foundational disciplines, including:

  • Management theories for organizational records

  • Archival theory of arrangement and description

  • Appraisal theories and practices for diverse organizations

  • Preservation principles and technology migration management

  • History of records and record keeping


2nd Floor | Continuing Studies Building University of Victoria Campus

Tel: 250-472-4747

University of Victoria Continuing Studies (Online)

Managing Archival Collections Course: This course focuses on archives as an important component of museum collections and develops your understanding of ways in which archival materials should be organized, managed, preserved and shared.  Program: CULTURE, MUSEUMS & INDIGENOUS STUDIES

This course strengthens your understanding of:

  • the nature of archival materials

  • theories, principles, and practices governing archival management

  • legal, administrative, and professional frameworks

  • appraisal, acquisition, and accessioning of archives

  • archival arrangement and description, including the application of archival descriptive standards

  • physical processing and storage

  • the importance of preventive conservation

  • reference services and access issues

  • using archives to enhance exhibits, educational offerings, and outreach initiatives

  • the impact of digital technologies on the management of records and archives

  • the role of archives in culture, heritage and society

While there is common ground between the management of artifacts and the management of archives, recognizing the distinctions is important to caring effectively for documentary materials and increasing their role in the museum environment.

Learning objectives

  1. Explain the general principles and theories of archival management.

  2. Explain the distinctions between the nature of and management of archival materials and artifacts.

  3. Understand the different issues involved with administering archival services and managing archival facilities, whether in a dedicated archival institution, a museum, a gallery or heritage institution, or a multi-purpose environment.

  4. Understand international, national, and local legal, ethical, administrative and professional frameworks surrounding archival management, with a particular but not exclusive focus on the Canadian environment.

  5. Implement the key steps involved in effective archival management, including appraisal, arrangement, description, conservation and access.

  6. Articulate the changing role of archives in culture, heritage and society.


MLIS General Inquiries:   
Tel: 519-661-4017

Western University- FIMS

Western's Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) program is widely recognized as one of the best programs of its kind in North America. The curriculum stresses an exploration of the literature of the discipline and the development of advanced research skills. The program provides a strong foundation in traditional librarianship together with an opportunity to engage with innovative ideas and new information technologies. You’ll graduate from our program as a skilled professional who is well prepared to meet the challenges facing information and library professions today and in the future.

The MLIS program at Western is uniquely flexible.

  • Three entry points - September, January or May

  • Receive your degree in 12 months

  • Part-time option, ideal for working professionals

You’ll also have the opportunity to take advantage of our program’s co-operative work/study option. Selected students may participate in one or two paid work terms in a library or information-related position before completing the final academic term of the MLIS degree. Co-op allows you to apply and enrich your classroom learning by working in a professional environment, and gives you experience that will benefit you after graduation. You’ll also make important professional and industry connections that will serve you well in your chosen career.


ACA Workshops

Each year, as part of the Annual Conference, the ACA’s Professional Learning Committee coordinates workshops designed for both archivists in the region hosting the conference as well as the many individuals travelling to attend the conference. The ACA Workshops offer learning for intermediate and advanced-level archivists and cover a wide range of relevant and timely topics. Workshops vary in duration, from one-half day to two days, and are typically offered immediately prior to, or following the Annual Conference.


Tel: 778-680-2273

AABC Workshops

The AABC offers two methods of educational delivery:  distance education and in-person workshops.  Education offered by the AABC is aimed at those new to archival work, such as the always-popular distance course, Introduction to Archival Practice, but it is also aimed at practicing archivists who want to delve deeper into a particular media type or topic, such as our course on Oral Histories.

These courses are also of interest to individuals who are responsible for records management and/or providing reference service for their institution. The AABC can advise on options available for institutions planning staff training and does respond to requests for courses initiated by interested groups.

The AABC also arranges sponsored workshops which are provided to specific groups on an ad hoc basis and organizes specialized workshops delivered by experts on a variety of archival and preservation topics.

Workshop Courses Available

  • Introduction to Archival Practice (1 or 2 days)

  • Managing Archival Photographs (2 days)

  • Introduction to Managing a Digitization Program (2 days)

  • Metadata and Archives (1 day)

  • Arrangement, Description and RAD Refresher (1 day)

  • Appraisal and Deaccessioning (1 day)

  • Introduction to Archival Preservation (2 days)

  • Emergency Planning for Archives (2 days)

  • Managing Archives (1 day)

  • Oral History (1 day)

  • Records Management 101 (1 day)

Learn more about AABC Distance Education Courses and schedule

Learn more about AABC Workshops