
Arrangement & Description

Processing of archival material involves first arranging then describing it.

Arrangement involves analysing the records to see who or what created them, how and why they were created, what functions and activities they document, when they were created and what their physical nature is. While the records themselves provide the most concrete source for this information published histories and the recollections of the records creators themselves will also provide valuable insight to this procedure.

Description is the process of explaining that arrangement so that people - researchers, administrators, whomever - who want to use the records know where to look to find the answers to their questions. Arrangement, therefore, is the process of studying the records to discover how they relate to the entities that created them. Description is the way of sharing that knowledge with everyone else.  

Taken from Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences by John D. McDonald and Michael Levine-Clark

Arranging Archival records

Book | Chapter 4 of A Manual for Small Archives by AABC

Web | Archives and Records Management Resources by Oliver W. Holmes (1964)

Web | Archives - What they are and how to use them by Iowa State University Library

Article | Putting the Parts of the Whole Together: Systematic Arrangement of Archives by Terry Eastwood

Article | Thinking Outside of the Box by Dan Davies

Article | Archivalterity: Rethinking Original Order Heather MacNeil 

Slides | Archival Arrangement & Description by Becky Simmons

Article | Processing for Access Uli Haller

Describing archival records

Book | Chapter 5 of A Manual for Small Archives by AABC

Blog | How Do Archivists Describe Collections? (or, How to Read a Finding Aid) by PAMA

Article | The Development of Descriptive Standards in Canada: A Progress Report by Kent M. Haworth

Article | Grounding Archival Description in the Functional Requirements for Evidence by David Bearman & Wendy Duff

Article | The Reclamation of Archival Description: The Canadian Perspective by Wendy Duff & Kent M. Haworth

Article | Managing the Present: Metadata as Archival Description by David A. Wallace

Article | Metadata Strategies and Archival Description: Comparing Apples to Oranges by Heather MacNeil

What information needs to be recorded in order to ensure that the longevity of a digital record? Let's talk about Rules for Archival Description and PREMIS.

How do you manage photographs when you cannot determine who owned them or who holds copyright over them or you don't know anything about the content of the photograph itself.

RAD & Examples of Archival Finding Aids

  1. The Complete Rules for Archival Description

  2. RAD Basics by Jeff O'Brien

Guide | Archival Processing Physical Arrangement: A guide to processing archival collections by George A. Smathers Library

Sample | Mark Winston Fonds by SFU Archives on AToM

Sample | Creating Finding Aids by Benson Ford Research Center

Sample | Oral History Processing Manual by Brooklyn Historical Society

Template | Reference Publication Identification Worksheet Template for Data Entry

Template | Reference Inventory Identification Worksheet Template for Data Entry

Labelling your Boxes, Folders and Files

Web | Traditional Knowledge (TK) Labels by Local Contexts

Web | Archival Processing: Final Steps by George A. Smathers Libraries

Web | Holdings Maintenance: Boxes by U.S. National Archives

Book | Packing, Labeling, and Shelving at the National Archives By MORRIS RIEGER