
Ta'an Kwach'an Council (TKC)



To provide, promote, protect and sustain a healthy, strong lifestyle for our Citizens and future generations consistent with the traditional values of the Ta’an Kwäch’än.


Our vision for the citizens of the Ta’an Kwäch’än is for the preservation, balance and harmony of our traditional territory. We will honour, respect, protect and care for our environment, people, economy and traditional culture as practiced by our elders. We encourage our citizens to participate in the well-being of our nation by building a unified, healthy and self-reliant community. The Ta’an Kwäch’än Council will recognize all its citizens as equals and will respect the free expression of their views. The leadership will be responsible and accountable to its citizens and govern in an open and cooperative manner. Our vision is to build a diverse economy which will provide security, stability and wealth to sustain our self-governing nation. (Excerpt from the TKC Website)


The mission of our Citizens and its government is to provide, promote, protect and sustain a healthy and strong lifestyle for our Citizens and future generations consistent with the traditional values of the Ta’an Kwäch’än, through governing our natural, human and financial resources effectively.

The Heritage Branch has a broad mandate and plays a central role in all aspects of Ta’an Kwäch’än heritage, including language programs, traditional skills and arts, historical research and heritage site management. (Excerpt from the TKC Website)


The Ta’an Kwäch’än take their name from Tàa’an Män (Lake Laberge) in the heart of their traditional territory. Their ancestral lands extended north to Hootalinqua at the confluence of the Yukon and Teslin Rivers, south to Marsh Lake, west to White Bank Village at the confluence of the Takhini and Little Rivers, and east to Winter Crossing on the Teslin River. (Excerpt from the TKC Website)

Address:  117 Industrial Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2T8



Telephone: (867) 668-3613

Hours of Operation: