
What is OCAP? And Why Do I Need to Know About it?

What is OCAP®?

The First Nations principles of OCAP® are a set of standards that establish how First Nations data should be collected, protected, used, or shared. They are the de facto standard for how to conduct research with First Nations.

Standing for ownership, control, access and possession, OCAP® asserts that First Nations have control over data collection processes in their communities, and that they own and control how this information can be used.

What do the four “OCAP®” principles mean?

There are four components of OCAP®: Ownership, Control, Access and Possession.

Take a Look! "A Matter of Facts: The Value of Evidence in an Information Age" by: Laura A. Millar

[Excerpt] The safeguarding of authentic facts is essential, especially in this disruptive Orwellian age, where digital technologies have opened the door to a post-truth world in which “alternative facts” can be so easily accepted as valid. And because facts matter, evidence matters. In this urgent manifesto, archives luminary Millar makes the case that authentic and accurate records, archives, data, and other sources of documentary proof are crucial in supporting and fostering a society that is respectful, democratic, and self-aware.

Connect and Engage With ARMA International’s Mentorship Program


The time commitment’s small, but the outcome can change an entire career! Don’t miss this opportunity to make connections, offer professional guidance, share knowledge and experiences, and build a stronger community.

In the program, seasoned members are matched with those who are newer to the field and are seeking professional guidance. Matches are made based on the results of our short survey, with the goal of optimizing the mentor/mentee partnerships.

Mentors and mentees are matched every six months using the term schedule below. To participate, simply read the code of conduct and fill out the survey. We will connect you to your mentor or mentee at the beginning of the next term. Once you are matched and the term starts, you will receive an email introduction to start connecting right away.

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Want to be a Mentor?

If you have been an ARMA International member for at least three years, you can sign up as a mentor and help guide a newer information professional along his or her path to career success.

Visit our Mentor FAQs for more information.


Want to Find a Mentor?

Have you been in the industry for less than five years and would like career guidance and advices

If so, you can sign up to become a mentee and be paired with one of our long-term members.

Visit our Mentee FAQs for more information.

 This is your opportunity to make our community even stronger. Sign up today!

Please note: The ARMA International mentorship program is primarily via phone and e-mail and is not a replacement for in-person networking. Please check out local mentorship opportunities run by your regions and chapters as well.

National Research Council’s Indigenous Languages Technology (ILT) RFP project


The National Research Council’s Indigenous Languages Technology (ILT) project has a core mandate to develop language technology for Indigenous languages in Canada in collaboration with Indigenous stakeholders.

 The NRC ILT is soliciting proposals to fund projects related to language technology for Indigenous languages spoken in Canada. The funding may be applied to a broad range of projects. Some eligible examples are refining existing technologies for Indigenous languages in Canada, developing new ones, collecting data to support these technologies, and assisting communities in the development of language learning methodologies and assistive technologies.

 It is anticipated that most successful proposals will receive funding in the range $100,000 - $300,000, though proposals of exceptional merit requesting funding outside this range may be considered. The funding period is short: it begins one month after issuance of this request and ends on March 31, 2020.

 Applications must be received by April 31, 2019. 

Proposals will be evaluated by the NRC project team and the Indigenous Advisory Committee on the basis of the criteria described above. Decisions will be sent to applicants by May 20, 2019.

WRFN RFP Seeking Project Manager/ Team

WRFN RFP Seeking Project Manager/ Team

Project Management Proposals for Phase 3 April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2020

WRFN is seeking a Project Manager or Team (preferably including a Yukon First Nation person) to work with the Language Revitalization Working Group (LRWG) to manage Phase 3 of the WRFN Language Revitalization Project (LR Project). The contractor(s) will report to the WRFN Executive Director. The professional fee amount allocated for the Project Manager or Team including travel is $64,500.

AABC Archivist's Toolkit Updated!

Wanting to look for more resources on archives and records management in the New Year? You’re in luck! The Archives Association of British Columbia (AABC) just updated their resource toolkit for everyone to use. Take a look at what they have to offer here:

What a Mountainous Success!

Last week we engaged a great number of archivists and records managers from First Nation Communities and Organizations in Yukon as well as on an international scale to our first YCA Summit on Archives in the Yukon!

We speakers even had the opportunity to be interviewed and broadcasted on the Radio!

We want to thank everyone who participated and helped to make this first conference a success!

What happened after the Summit?

After the Summit we took Guest Speakers Marnie Burnham (LAC Vancouver Regional Manager), Melissa Adams (UBCIC Archivist) and Erica Hernandez-Read (UNBC Researcher/Archivist) for a tour of some of Yukon’s Community Archives.

Our first stop dropped us off to see the Yukon Native Language Centre with their new Archivist Angela Code, then we headed over to the Yukon Archives where Territorial Archivist David Schlosser and Yukon Archives Staff took the speakers on a 30-minute quick tour of the facilities.

Afterwards, the group went downtown for a short tour at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre with Carolyn Harris before visiting the Old Fire Hall Market for some souvenir. A quick fuel up at Antoinette’s for lunch got us ready to travel out to Carcross for a tour of the Carcross Tagish First Nation Learning Centre, unfortunately at this point we had to bid farewell to Marnie as she had to catch her plane later that evening. But we promised to take lovely photos to show her! in Carcross, Derek Grose took the ladies on an extensive tour of the learning centre and the new archives storage room where we then set off for a quick chat with Master carver Keith-Wolfe-Smarch in his studio.

CTFN Archives with Derek Grose

CTFN Archives with Derek Grose

CTFN: Outside of Keith Wolfe-Smarch’s Studio

CTFN: Outside of Keith Wolfe-Smarch’s Studio

The next day, we all headed out with a Starbucks coffee in one hand to Haines Junction to visit the Champagne & Aishihik Archives Facility and join in on the mountain festival as well.

Sheila Greer, Erica Hernandez-Read & Melissa Adams viewing the large Atlas at the Da Ku Cultural Centre.

Sheila Greer, Erica Hernandez-Read & Melissa Adams viewing the large Atlas at the Da Ku Cultural Centre.

All in all, it was a great trip out and we had tons of fun travelling together! YCA looks forward in having Marnie, Erica, and Melissa back up to see more of Yukon!