
2019-2020 Native American Scholars Initiative (NASI) Opportunities

The American Philosophical Society invites applications for predoctoral, postdoctoral, and short-term research fellowships and internships from scholars at all stages of their careers, especially Native American scholars in training, tribal college and university faculty members, and other scholars working closely with Native communities on projects in Native American and Indigenous Studies and related fields and disciplines. These funding opportunities are supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Native American Scholars Initiative (NASI). Fellows and interns will be associated with the APS’s Center for Native American and Indigenous Research (CNAIR), which promotes greater collaboration among scholars, archives, and Indigenous communities.

Upcoming DHCP Call for Proposals

Thank you for contacting the Documentary Heritage Communities Program!  We will reply to your message within 3 business days. We are working hard to prepare for the upcoming DHCP Call for Proposals, to be launched in late October 2018. Please check our website for updates and program information.

NEW! We are also hosting a Seminar for the Documentary Heritage Community on November 6. Find out more on our website.  

We look forward to receiving your application!

The DHCP Team

Let's Welcome New Archivists to the Land of the Midnight Sun!


Joining our team of archivists here in the North are….

  1. Carrey Isaak:

    • Bio: Carey Isaak, graduate of the University of Manitoba Archival Studies program has worked in various archival/heritage institutes across Western Canada for the last twenty years. He is currently working for the Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN) on a one year project to describe and re-house its vast and unique collection of archival material.

    Carrey is working on the CYFN fonds with Peggy D’Orsay, Donna Darbyshire and Kaylin Horassi.

  2. Nancy Vanden-Eykel:

    • Bio: When people ask me where I’m from, I usually respond by asking originally or most recently?  For the first time in almost 20 years, the answer to those two questions is the same.  I grew up in New Westminster, BC and have worked all over Canada, including Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Northwest Territories, Alberta, Ontario and then I headed back to BC for four months before being hired as the Archivist at CAFN.  I am thrilled to add the Yukon Territory to my list of places I’ve lived and being able to put my skills and training to work for the Heritage, Lands and Resources department at CAFN delights me.  One of the things my strange and twisty life has provided me is a wide variety of skills and experiences.  In addition to holding a Masters in Library and Information Sciences from Western University, I also hold a Bachelors in English Literature from Ambrose University and a Diploma in Broadcast Communications – Radio from British Columbia Institute of Technology.  I’m very grateful for the opportunity to live and work in Haines Junction, serving CAFN as Archivist and providing information management support.

    Nancy will be working at the Da Ku Cultural Centre on CAFN Archives and Records Management for 9 months.

  3. Angela Code: Yukon Native Language Centre

    • Bio: I am a member of the Sayisi Dene First Nation. I am originally from Tadoule Lake, MB but have lived in Yukon for many years. I am passionate about Indigenous language and culture revitalization. I am excited about starting this new job and am excited for all the amazing, creative projects that will come out of this work. 

2018-2019 Call for nominations: Inscriptions to the Canada Memory of the World Register

Please disseminate widely

2018-2019 Call for nominations: Inscriptions to the Canada Memory of the World Register

In collaboration with its Canadian Advisory Committee for Memory of the World, the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCUNESCO) is pleased to launch the second Call for Nominations for inscriptions on the Canada Memory of the World Register. This Register recognizes significant documentary heritage related to Canada and its peoples, and is one of the vehicles of the UNESCO Memory of the World Program which aims at preserving and providing access to documentary heritage as the embodiment of the memory of humanity.

UNESCO has been designated lead UN agency for the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages, which aims to draw attention to the urgent need to raise awareness of Indigenous languages and to support their preservation, maintenance and revitalization. Therefore, the Committee would like to put special emphasis on forthcoming proposals relating to this matter. The Committee also welcomes proposals related to all types of documentary heritage.


We invite all individuals, private or public institutions, organizations and communities to consultCCUNESCO’s website for more information on this process. The deadline for declarations of interest is March 1st, 2019.


Veuillez diffuser largement

2018-2019 Appel à candidatures: Inscriptions au Registre de la Mémoire du monde du Canada

En collaboration avec son Comité consultatif canadien de la Mémoire du monde, la Commission canadienne pour l’UNESCO (CCUNESCO) est heureuse de lancer le deuxième Appel à candidatures pour le Registre de la Mémoire du monde du Canada. Ce Registre reconnait l’importance du patrimoine documentaire relié au Canada et ses Peuples, et est un des vecteurs du Programme Mémoire du monde de l’UNESCO, qui a pour but de préserver le patrimoine documentaire et d’en permettre l’accès afin d’incarner la mémoire de l’humanité.

Alors que l’UNESCO a été désignée responsable de l’Année internationale des langues autochtones en 2019,  elle vise à attirer l’attention sur l’urgence de sensibiliser les gens aux langues autochtones et de préserver, de maintenir et de revitaliser ces dernières. Par conséquent, le Comité aimerait mettre de l’emphase sur ce sujet pour les propositions à venir. Le Comité encourage également les propositions portant sur tout autre patrimoine documentaire.

Nous invitons tous les individus, les institutions privées et publiques ainsi que les organisations et les communautés à consulter le site Web de la CCUNESCO pour toute information sur le processus de nomination. La date limite pour les déclarations d’intérêt est le 1 mars 2019.