Yukon Council of Archives

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Apply for Library & Archives Canada Funding for Indigenous Digitization Now

Listen, Hear Our Voices is an initiative that resulted from engagement and collaboration. This initiative aims to help digitize and preserve First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation culture and language recordings.

Seven archivists, based in traditional territories, are available to deliver tailored services to participating Indigenous communities across Canada. They can also help with Listen, Hear Our Voices funding applications.

The Listen, Hear Our Voices initiative can fund Indigenous organizations to help digitize and preserve existing culture and language recordings for future generations.

We are providing funding to:

  • digitize existing Indigenous culture and language recordings

  • build the skills, knowledge and resources needed to digitize and preserve Indigenous culture and language recordings

What are culture and language recordings?

Culture and language recordings are oral and audio-visual recordings that are important to Indigenous peoples. For example, traditional stories or oral histories recorded on cassette or VHS tape. The recording may be in any language if it is culturally important.

What kind of project can be funded?

  • Digitization of recordings

  • Training

  • Equipment

  • Funding cannot be used to:

Review committee and criteria

An Indigenous review committee will review applications and make recommendations for funding. This committee will be external to LAC and made up by First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation representatives from across Canada.

The review committee will base funding recommendations on:

  • Project feasibility and approach

  • Cultural importance of the collection

  • Urgency of the work due to the condition of the collection

  • Benefits of the project for the applicant organization, partner organizations, communities, researchers and/or Canadians

Apply Now!

By email

Send us an email to receive updates on the Listen, Hear Our Voices initiative.