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WRFN RFP Seeking Project Manager/ Team



Background Information

White River First Nation (WRFN) is one of the fourteen First Nations of Yukon Territory with traditional lands in the Northern Yukon bordering Alaska, with primary operations centered in Beaver Creek, Yukon. Among our operational goals is to provide opportunities for the celebration of, and to enhance awareness of, Upper Tanana and Northern Tutchone Language and Culture.

WRFN received an Aboriginal Peoples Program - Aboriginal Languages Initiatives grant from the Government of Canada – Canadian Heritage Department in 2017-18 to develop a multi- year multi-phase Language Revitalization (LR) Project. In Phase 1 WRFN developed an LR strategic plan and hosted two language gatherings. In Phase 2 the focus was on developing a language database and records management plan, collecting language A/V materials related to WRFN membership, digitizing the language A/V materials, creation of learning kits, purchasing recording devices, hosting a language immersion camp, and establishing the WRFN Language Revitalization Working Group.

Phase 3 from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020 will focus on language projects and activities, ranging from small to large scale, with various individuals and groups, the majority of which will occur on WRFN traditional territories.

Project Management Proposals for Phase 3 April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2020

WRFN is seeking a Project Manager or Team (preferably including a Yukon First Nation person) to work with the Language Revitalization Working Group (LRWG) to manage Phase 3 of the WRFN Language Revitalization Project (LR Project). The contractor(s) will report to the WRFN Executive Director. The professional fee amount allocated for the Project Manager or Team including travel is $64,500.

Phase 3 of the LR Project will focus on increasing the number of people who speak the WRFN languages: Upper Tanana (Scottie Creek Dialect) and Northern Tutchone (Snag Dialect). Please review and address the project description and deliverables below in responding to this RFP. WRFN’s Language Revitalization Strategic Plan and Action plan will be shared with interested individuals upon request. Proposals will be accepted until 4 PM (PST) Yukon time Friday March 22, 2019.

Phase 3 Language Revitalization Project Objectives

  • ●  Language Immersion Sessions - Community members will learn to speak Upper Tanana & Northern Tutchone from the current fluent speakers by participating in language and culture immersion camps and activities held on the land; group discussions; as well as encouraging master/apprentice practices with one on one learning experiences;

  • ●  Creation of Resources - Community members will benefit from the production and distribution of language learning kits. The new materials will be developed to perfect teaching and learning experiences with the Upper Tanana & Northern Tutchone languages;

  • ●  Language Preservation – Continuing work on the WRFN database of past and current language resources, digitization of audio and video recordings, and by archiving photographs and existing language
    materials. Making the database resources available to White River First Nation membership.

Expected Outcomes/Results:

The Aboriginal Peoples Program provides templates for measuring outcomes/results and these forms must be used by the Project Manager to record and report on Phase 3 of the LR Project.

Scope of Work – Project Manager Deliverables

The Project Manager/Team will:

  • ●  Manage Phase 3 of the LR Project plan in consultation with LRWG and assist LRWG to implement the

    project goals, objectives and planned activities of Phase 3, including regular visits and meetings (at least 8

    visits during term of contract) with WRFN members in Beaver Creek and Whitehorse;

  • ●  Provide Chief and Council with quarterly updates;

  • ●  Coordinate all project resources and oversee all projects to ensure activities and projects proceed on

    budget and on time;

  • ●  Hire individual contractors to co-ordinate the different project deliverables;

  • ●  Coordinate and implement projects in consultation with the LRWG and work closely with Canadian

    Heritage advisors and under direction of WRFN Executive Director;

  • ●  Manage budget and report regularly to WRFN Executive Director on budget allocations and expenditures,

    progress of projects and any issues arising;

  • ●  Prepare all reporting obligations specified in WRFN Language Contribution Agreement: Cash Flow, Interim

    Activity Report, Audited Financial Report, Written Confirmation of Expenditures and Final Activity/Results Report.

    Evaluation of Proposals

    Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the proponent’s qualifications and experience directly related to this RFP.

    Project Timeline

    Proposal should reflect the deliverables and reporting requirements timeline outlined in the WRFN 2019 – 2020 Action Plan.

    Proponent Qualifications

    The ideal proponent will have documented expertise and experience indicating:
    ● Proof of having managed previous similar projects;
    ● Ability to complete the required elements in this RFP;
    ● Commitment to community consultation to achieve best project results (proponent to give

    examples of past experience in community consultation work); ● Demonstrated experience and expertise in project management; ● Experience working with Yukon First Nations.

    Proposal Submission

    Responses to the RFP are to be submitted by e-mail (.pdf format) or by fax, and to be clearly identified as:

    “Response to Request for Proposals, White River First Nation PROJECT MANAGEMENT – LANGUAGE REVITILIZATION PROJECT Phase 3”. Response must also indicate clearly the Proponent’s business name and address, phone number(s), e-mail address, and the date of submission. Proposals are to be submitted NO LATER THAN 4PM (PST) Yukon time Friday March 22, 2019, and are to be addressed to:

    Sid C. Vandermeer, Executive Director
    White River First Nation P.O. Box 2, Beaver Creek, Yukon Y0B 1A0 Email: executivedirector@wrfn.ca