Yukon Council of Archives

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Digitizing Canadian Collections funding call

The National Heritage Digitization Strategy (NHDS) Steering Committee is thrilled to announce the launch of the Digitizing Canadian Collections funding call. This one-time opportunity will provide funds to organizations to digitize, make accessible and preserve documentary heritage material of national significance.

This initiative is made possible thanks to a generous gift from a private donor.

Read the funding guidelines and apply now. The deadline to apply is June 12th, 2018.

According to the NHDS response to Cathy Ritchie's query, “National significance” can be understood as material that:

  • Demonstrates the Canadian experience, federal or pan-Canadian;
  • Has influenced the development of Canada;
  • Has a broad national scope;
  • Has or has had an impact on national trends and events; and/or,
  • Illustrates Canadian impact and perspectives on international trends and events.

The NHDS encourages organizations considering an application to contact the Secretariat before submitting their applications to discuss their project ideas and eligibility. Please contact the NHDS at bac.strategienumeri-digistrategy.lac@canada.ca.